Race Report #10
7/28/09 Post Tour Crit Holland
Another Post tour crit in Holland, a fun course minus the bad brick pavement that covers the course minus about 300m of smooth pavement. Woke up this morning and wanted to go straight back to bed. I have hit the wall. Long drive to the race and i know im in trouble, can not get my head where it should be.
There are a lot of large teams and big names this race should be hard. First few laps gets the field strung out and im already noticing people popping out of the race, it's fast but im not working supper hard i know my legs are empty and every time i get out of the saddle i have no kick what so ever. I keep making my way up towards the front louse focus and go straight to the back again, i do this several times lap after lap.
I can hear my coach yelling at me, what are you doing? When are you going to learn to listen to our body? Your only going to put your self in a hole, what is the point of this. Who knows if this is what she would say, maybe she would say pull your head out and ride your bike, focus and get it done. But at the time i like the first one better.
I see some people i rode out with on the side of the course in a nice patch of grass along the canal and next thing i know im sitting there with them. I did the unthinkable for me, i poled my self from a race and really was fine with it. And really i still am. There are a few small regrets about doing it but they are small small regrets not worth beating my self up over. So that's that.
Lesson # 10 listen to my body it knows best.